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Liz Blackman, Founder of Help4Pets, Inc.
Aug 14, 20215 min read
To Microchip or Not to Microchip Your Pet…That Is the Question
The answer is YES! For the love of Dog, YES! Here's the best reason: A microchip can make the difference between getting your pet back or...

Jul 26, 20214 min read
Are You Afraid To Get Your Pet’s Teeth Cleaned? We Get That.
Many of us dread the idea of our pet getting their teeth cleaned even more than we do our own visits to the dentist and would willingly...

Jul 15, 20215 min read
Have a Plan for Your Pets in Case of Fire
No one wants to think about the potential dangers their pet could face. Just the thought of it makes us sad, so it's understandable that...

Jul 5, 20213 min read
Good Butt vs Bad But: But I Always Answer My Phone…
There are good butts and there are bad "buts". "But I always answer my phone" isn't one of the good ones. At least not when it comes to...

Jun 18, 20215 min read
Protect Your Pet for the 4th of July
While many two-legged beings welcome the booms of the 4th of July as the sounding of the unofficial kickoff of summer fun, the same...

Liz Blackman, Founder of Help4Pets, Inc.
Jun 16, 20213 min read
What’s Wrong with Black Dogs?
Would it surprise you to know that black dogs have a harder time getting adopted than dogs of any other color? The news shocked me. Since...

Liz Blackman, Founder of Help4Pets, Inc.
Jun 9, 20215 min read
Do Fences Make Good Neighbors or Do Good Neighbors Provide Peace of Mind?
Your neighbor(s), even the one you're not crazy about, could become your new best friend in a pet emergency. OK, I'm going to admit...

May 31, 20217 min read
Tips on Introducing a New Dog to Your Household Pack
*Reprinted from a Bark Busters article republished by Lucky Dog Animal Rescue,

Liz Blackman, Founder of Help4Pets, Inc.
May 21, 20214 min read
Senior Pets Are Aged to Perfection
Several dogs ago, my husband and I decided to commit to adopting older dogs. It wasn't so much a conscious decision as it was a decision...

Liz Blackman, Founder of Help4Pets, Inc.
May 10, 20214 min read
To Leash or Not To Leash...
If that is the question, then the answer is always always. Now I don't mean inside your home or in your back yard or at a dog park or...

Liz Blackman, Founder of Help4Pets, Inc.
Mar 29, 20214 min read
Who is Liz?
Hi. I'm Liz Blackman and I'm the founder of Help4Pets. I started my company in 1996 with a simple, serious plan - a dream really - to...
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